On May 3, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

So, the revert was warranted because only you saw fit to revert it. Maybe I should start looking over your code and reverting things I don't agree with. That would surely drive a this community in the right direction <sarcasm>.

You may have meant this sarcastically, but it's a really good point. One of the things that is frustrating about a lot of stuff that happens in OFBiz is that no one else does review it. I really appreciate it when people are reviewing my code and "looking over my shoulder" if you will, and a lot of stuff I've messed up has been brought up that way (and sometimes people even hop in and fix it for me! it's great!).

So yes, if I ever commit something you think causes more problems than it solves, then by all means do revert it... and there is actually precedence for this and people HAVE reverted stuff that I have committed.

In short, yes please help out with the peer review that goes on here. If more committers reviewed every commit with the intent of looking for issues things would be a lot cleaner overall.


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