No, you're not forced to implement security on a fine level of granularity. Lower level (or more granular) artifacts inherit permissions from higher level artifacts.

You could assign permissions to a form field (or menu item) if you want to. But you don't *have* to. The form field would normally inherit permissions from the form, or the screen, or the component.

I don't want to go into much detail right now, but I can see you're not going to wait for me to get the design document done. ;-)


Andrew Zeneski wrote:
The problem I see with this is that in an artifact based system we are forced to implement security on that fine level of granularity. Where in a process based system, the process can be defined as granular as necessary for the application. Only when very fine level of granularity is needed would it be necessary. The level of control in a process model is as great as the application needs but is much easier to understand for administration and configuration.


On May 5, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Andrew Zeneski wrote:
To me a process driven model is far more comprehendible to an average application administrator, where an artifact based would be way more technical. An administrator would need to understand all the artifacts in the application in order to configure things properly. Where in a process model, the admin only needs to understand the process involved and the artifacts are associated to the process during development.

That's a very good point. The design I proposed was based on network administration - where every network resource can have permissions attached to it and there is a great level of control. So yes, it is technical.


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