There is dojo too, ofbiz should choose one of them as the basic ajax
framework  and kick the others out!

And I like dojo :)

2009/6/3 Anil Patel <>

> Hi,
> We have been using Prototype and associated UI components for Javascript
> effects/Ajax. I am interested in few screens that will need Tree widget and
> few other will be best done using TreeTable widget. For sometime I have been
> looking for widgets build using Prototype.js but have not found any that l
> like.
> JQuery on other hand has much bigger community and much bigger library of
> UI widgets that can make developing fancy screens lot easy. Sometimes I am
> tempted to start using JQuery, but fear that after while we'll know few bads
> about it and might regret decision.
> I'll like to know what others think about it.
> Is it ok to add JQuery library to Ofbiz trunk?
> Should Prototype library be removed from trunk once all code is migrated to
> use JQuery?
> Should keep both because JQuery can live side by side with Prototype?
> Regards
> Anil Patel

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