--- On Fri, 8/14/09, David E Jones <d...@me.com> wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
> > --- On Fri, 8/14/09, David E Jones <d...@me.com>
> wrote:
> > 
> >> Simpler yes (for the framework implementation at
> least, not
> >> for the code that uses it), cleaner... I don't
> know.
> >> 
> >> Please keep in mind that the branch I've been
> working on is
> >> not complete, and eventually there will be no
> dependencies
> >> from the context component code to the other
> components...
> >> ie that's the whole goal, it's just not done yet.
> > 
> > Then you must have access to some voodoo I'm not aware
> of. If an interface references a class in the entity
> component, then how will there be no dependency on it?
> That's where the choice I was talking about a long time ago
> comes in... there may be other options but these are the
> main two ones I've been working with:
> 1. create an interface for the class referenced by the
> other interface, making it part of the high level
> interfaces
> 2. remove the method from the interface, leaving it on the
> implementing class meaning you have to use a type cast to
> the implementing class in order to use it (and it won't work
> for other implementations of the interface)
> This is not always an easy decision... so I imagine we'll
> have various discussions about specific methods. For my part
> I'm taking a first pass and trying to keep things at a high
> level and somewhat simplified, and we may decide to expand
> the interfaces in the future by adding the methods and
> creating additional interfaces. The distinction I'm trying
> to go for is those methods/classes that are likely to be
> used in applications that those that are lower-level.

That's what I started to do, and I ended up with a lot of interfaces. Then 
there are classes that the interfaces reference, but are only used internally, 
so I moved those into the same folder as the interfaces. In the end I had twice 
as many files (interface plus implementation), and a folder that nearly 
mirrored the entity component. That's why I came to the conclusion that it 
would make more sense to just put the whole entity component in that folder.

Anyways, the branch I created builds and runs. Everything is still in the 
entity component though. If you start moving the interfaces to another folder, 
you will get a good grasp of the scope of the problem.



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