Going from less technical to more...

1. a component contains applications and/or the lower level tools and definitions needed by applications 2. a component can be used for self-contained extensions, including applications and logic/data modifications, to the suite of tools and applications that come with OFBiz 3. a component is a directory with an "ofbiz-component.xml" file in it that is used to specify specific resources to be loaded in the application server, including webapps, Java source/classes, classpath resources, scripts, entity definitions, entity data files, service definitions, service and entity ECA rules, test suites, and encryption keystores


On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hi Jacques:
Be glad to help.
The first thing is, how would you define an OFBiz "component". Here's my initial crack at it:

An OFbiz component is a well defined hierarchical collection of directories (folders in Windows terms) and files used by the OFBiz framework to build the logical parts that make up an OFBiz instance. Each OFBiz component has a unique name (typically the name of the root directory for the component) and a configuration file called: "ofbiz-component.xml". OFBiz uses the ofbiz-component.xml file to configure various aspects of the component when building an OFBiz instance and to load the component at system start up.

Does everyone agree on that? David, if you are monitoring, what do you think?

If not, how about some suggestions?


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Posted Component and Application concepts 
Feel free to help (or not :o)


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
Hé Ruth,

I think you can begin to fill the glossary now ;o)


From: "David E Jones" <d...@me.com>

The term "application" is used somewhat well defined in the OFBiz context. Pretty much any webapp or desktop app that exists is an application. A single component can have zero to many applications in it. For example the product component has a Facility
Manager  application and a Catalog Manager application in it.


On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:28 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hello Developers:
IMO, the word "component" has a special meaning within the OFBiz domain. [See some of the original framework documentation for that definition.] The term "application" is an abstraction and has not been given a formal definition within the OFBiz domain. At least I am not aware of that definition. If one exists,/* please */enlighten me.

That said, a glossary of terms would be really useful for the online help. Once a glossary is in place, determining whether to use the term "component" vs. "application" would be a simple decision regardless of the target audience.

Ruth Hoffman, Author, Mentor & OFBiz Enthusiast
/"What I say is just as important as how I say it."/
Want to know more about OFBiz? Please visit my website: http://www.myofbiz.com

Adrian Crum wrote:
Components like base, entity, and security are not applications.


--- On Sat, 10/17/09, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com > wrote:

From: Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
Subject: Application vs component
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 4:00 PM

I have noticed that the word component is used in the
helping documentation.
I think we should better use the word applications
Component is a technical word and the helping documentation
should help at the business level.


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