+1 - as I'm sure you know David, this is something we are VERY interested in and will back you and the community 100%. This has made my week!

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Oct 27, 2009, at 2:39 PM, David E Jones wrote:

I've started work on a new application for OFBiz, and tentatively decided on the name "EZBiz" for it. I considered "QuickBiz", but that's maybe too suggestive of a certain competing commercial application. ;)

The main idea is to create an all-in-one application in OFBiz for smaller businesses. Another key part of the idea is to collaborate as a community on designs long before any development gets underway.

I've spoken to a few people about this idea in the past... and am finally getting around to working on it! A few people have expressed interest in this, so hopefully we'll get some good feedback and collaboration fleshing out designs and then eventually building the thing.

On a side note, yes it is true that I have mostly skipped requirements gathering and documenting processes. There are a few reasons I decided to do that. One is that this application will be more simple and generic and won't get into the vagaries that come up when doing custom software or software for larger organizations. Another is that the current UBPL stories cover nearly everything that will be needed and more, and we can use them as-is (or with small refinements as we go), when doing a review of designs to see how well they cover the requirements (noting that the intent is NOT to cover all requirements, ie business activities, in the UBPL stories). Another reason is that there is a lot of this small business software out there that has been in use for decades and refined a lot, so we have a lot of sources for design ideas without starting from scratch.

Anyway, here is the intro page for EZBiz:


On that page there is a short concept write up and some screen outlines. The screen outlines I've done so far are meant to help establish scope, general organization, and certain configuration/ setup options that will drive how other parts of the UI are built. The main outlines I've worked on so far are:


For anyone interested in working on these... by all means go ahead! You can participate in discussions on the mailing list, recommend changes to what should be on screens and how to organize things (based on whatever your favorite small business accounting/etc software might be, or other experience you've had), and eventually we'll get down to doing wireframes for the more complex screens (ie after outlining what will go on them), and then mapping everything to existing OFBiz entities and services, and then start building!

I'll personally be working on this quite a bit as it's getting too cold around here to do manual labor and I've managed to finish all my homework (hint, hint... looking for work ;) ), and I'll be happy to work with whoever else is interested (or would that be whomever?).


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