If I understand right you (Scott) are talking about the procedural proposal. 
Right now the typical process, if a vote is needed and/or desired, is to have a 
72-hour voting period, unless there are enough positive PMC votes before to 
make it pass regardless of possible negative votes.

In any case, voting on these topics is probably a good idea, well at least for 
#1 since it is a change that may impact many people (even though in the 
discussion in seemed pretty supported), and #3 since there wasn't so much 


On Nov 26, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Scott Gray wrote:

> -1, I think the system we have in place now works just fine.  This discussion 
> might be warranted if we've been having problems with people committing major 
> changes to the framework without adequate discussion but that hasn't been 
> happening and I don't think it's going to.  I think all OFBiz committers have 
> a good understanding of what is appropriate and we're all pretty good at 
> reaching a consensus before making major changes.
> I do agree with reiterating the importance of discussing major changes in 
> depth and reaching a consensus before committing though.
> Regards
> Scott
> On 27/11/2009, at 4:37 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Lately there there have been some discussions about making big changes to 
>> the trunk. I would like to suggest that we summarize those proposed changes, 
>> create a voting thread for each change, and then send a friendly 
>> announcement to the user mailing list about the proposed changes that won 
>> the vote.
>> In the USA we are in the midst of a major holiday, so we need to give others 
>> plenty of time to respond. So, how about this: let's list our proposed 
>> changes in this thread and wait a few days for responses. Sometime next week 
>> we can start the voting threads. About a week after that, summarize the 
>> voting results and send an announcement to the user mailing list. What do 
>> you think?
>> To get things started, here are the proposed changes I am aware of:
>> 1. Require Java 6
>> 2. Remove Cloudscape support
>> 3. Remove the Shark component
>> Feel free to add others to the list.
>> -Adrian

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