Adam Heath wrote:
> Hans Bakker wrote:
>> I used ./ant run-tests and then i see coberura is missing, i see that
>> need to be installed but could not find any info on it related to ofbiz
> Everything should still work without the cobertura jar installed.
> What error did you get?

This error has nothing to do with cobertura.  Those exceptions you see
early are ignored by the code.  I designed the instrumentation system
to deal with the error.

The problem you are actually seeing has to do with there being no
ant-trax.jar in framework/base/lib; this is needed by <junitreport>.

Scott, could you get an ant-trax.jar for version 1.7.0?  I only have
1.7.1 installed locally.

Hans, next time, actually report the error(s) you get, instead of just
saying "it doesn't work."  If someone reported an error in something
you had done, wouldn't you want to have as much information as possible?

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