Hi Adam,

i would have come back with an error message...As i could not find any
information about running the tests in OFBiz I was just asking general

Wouldn't it be nice to have some explanation about it? There was
recently a lot of discussion about it, however only in the mailing list.


On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 21:59 -0600, Adam Heath wrote:
> Adam Heath wrote:
> > Hans Bakker wrote:
> >> I used ./ant run-tests and then i see coberura is missing, i see that
> >> need to be installed but could not find any info on it related to ofbiz
> > 
> > Everything should still work without the cobertura jar installed.
> > What error did you get?
> This error has nothing to do with cobertura.  Those exceptions you see
> early are ignored by the code.  I designed the instrumentation system
> to deal with the error.
> The problem you are actually seeing has to do with there being no
> ant-trax.jar in framework/base/lib; this is needed by <junitreport>.
> Scott, could you get an ant-trax.jar for version 1.7.0?  I only have
> 1.7.1 installed locally.
> Hans, next time, actually report the error(s) you get, instead of just
> saying "it doesn't work."  If someone reported an error in something
> you had done, wouldn't you want to have as much information as possible?
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