Scott Gray wrote:
> On 21/12/2009, at 4:59 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Adam Heath wrote:
>>> Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>> I used ./ant run-tests and then i see coberura is missing, i see that
>>>> need to be installed but could not find any info on it related to ofbiz
>>> Everything should still work without the cobertura jar installed.
>>> What error did you get?
>> This error has nothing to do with cobertura.  Those exceptions you see
>> early are ignored by the code.  I designed the instrumentation system
>> to deal with the error.
>> The problem you are actually seeing has to do with there being no
>> ant-trax.jar in framework/base/lib; this is needed by <junitreport>.
>> Scott, could you get an ant-trax.jar for version 1.7.0?  I only have
>> 1.7.1 installed locally.
> I'm on 1.7.1 as well, I'm sure we could get hold of a copy but I don't
> have time to do so right now.

I'm upgrading the internal ant to 1.7.1, and will fix this trax
problem as well.

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