David E Jones wrote:
The general idea is an interesting one, ie of really separating things by role 
and eliminating dependencies.

I like the stuff you guys at Brainfood have done with WebSlinger, and it 
certainly makes things easier for people in certain roles.
Webslinger definitely makes certain things easier but it also destroys the portability proposition of the widget system. We are currently looking at supporting form widgets as a native document type in webslinger, which may restore some of that portability.

One thing I have been curious about is building a XUL renderer, which should be pretty thin.
In a way I wonder if points #1 and #2 that I listed above are actually possible. My theory 
over the years is that they are simply not possible, and all attempts are guaranteed to fall 
short because those requirements are not "internally consistent". It would be 
interesting to have a well-funded R&D project to get feedback from a bunch of people, 
assemble a number of possible designs, then implement and test those designs in various 
organizations. I'm not sure if that will ever happen, and I suppose even if it did the 
winning design would probably be so biased by politicking that the stated result might not be 
Actually I think this is essentially going on and has for some time. I think the difficulty of the problem is why there are so many "web frameworks". There is no clear solution so people keep throwing things up to see if they will stick.

I think the fundamental disconnect is analogous to automobile body design -vs- powertrain design. On the one hand, you have people that want to draw pictures of awesome looking cars and on the other hand you have people who want to tackle physics problems to deliver power in a system. Making those things blend together seamlessly, as you indicated, requires an understanding of all the principals involved. Great industrial design combines the intuition of art with the rigid demands of engineering and you can't really get one or the other for free.
Anyway, it's a tough problem. The main issues I see are kind of like what you 
listed Ean, namely:

1. different organizations have different roles and different skills sets, so 
to be effective you'd really need to document a variety of organizations and 
combinations of skill sets and be flexible enough to address at least a few of 
the most common ones, or the ones that should be most easy for an organization 
to assemble

2. it's not possible to completely eliminate dependencies between what 
different people in different roles are doing; there might be some things you 
could do to either mitigate (handle automatically or transparently/implicitly) 
or obviate (fail fast/early) the problems, but these dependencies are an 
inherent part of what is being built and IMO they simply cannot be totally 
eliminated, especially if you want reusable parts of the screens, etc

My favorite approach so far to getting people to handle this well is to divide 
front-end developers into those who are mostly visually talented, and those who 
have gotten into scripting and such too. These people will have to get used to 
working together in order to get things done, IMO. From time to time you'll run 
into a person that is great at both, but not usually. Those who are into 
scripting and working with straight HTML can usually get into using the OFBiz 
widgets and FTL templates and do quite well with them (and without very much 
training too). But that isn't everyone, and you certainly need someone who can 
break things down and implement the technical things to drive them.

Some tools make this easier, and therefore require less technical knowledge, but those 
tools typically also restrict what you can do. If you want to keep it cheap and simple 
then that's great, just do what the tool makes easy. If you really want to be able to 
design and build anything that is "internally consistent" then you're going to 
need more flexible tools and more knowledgeable people.

Or am I wrong and the silver bullet solution does exist and I just haven't yet 
had the pleasure of experiencing it?
Even HTML is almost still too far into the engineering realm. The truly beautiful tool is Photoshop, which makes the process of image creation almost totally artistic and lets you forget that you are manipulating data structures. In the free software world, Inkscape is actually quite impressive in this way. You can totally forget that you are manipulating SVG and simply draw. There is really no analog for this in the HTML world, especially because of CSS.

In some ways, SquareSpace.com's online web design tool approaches what I'd like to see a tool do, though it introduces many limitations. I'd encourage everyone to look at its demo video. If we could provide a CMS tool that acts like that and expose the power of the OFBiz business logic into it, the world would be ours.
Hopefully this time I'm less snarky, without being too depressing... :)
A tough problem can be fun.

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