I would like to help on the column widget implementation.
Could you start with some writing about it so that I can get a clear idea?


2009/12/22 Adrian Crum <adri...@hlmksw.com>:
> That's why we need column widgets - so the other columns will know to resize
> themselves.
> -Adrian
> Bruno Busco wrote:
>> Unfortunately, one of the problem I had was that, to collapse
>> horizzontally, is not so simple because adiacent divs should be also
>> adjusted.
>> For example, to use this to collapse the left-column, even the
>> main-content div width (or margin-left) should be changed.
>> This was one of the reason I stopped this way of doing it. :-(
>> -Bruno
>> 2009/12/22 Bruno Busco <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>:
>>> Adrian, what you say reminds me the very first way I thought to
>>> achieve what I described (but I stopped and forgot!! :-( )
>>> I thought that a collapsible screenlet (we already have) could have
>>> another attribute to be collapsed horizzontaly or vertically. One of
>>> the two is what we have right know. In the other one the
>>> screenlet-title bar should be rendered vertically on a side of the
>>> screenlet and could be used to collapse.
>>> The left-column could then be completely wrapped in the screenlet...et
>>> voilĂ .
>>> We have also the screenlet collapsed status storing feature in place now!
>>> -Bruno
>>> 2009/12/22 Adrian Crum <adri...@hlmksw.com>:
>>>> Something similar that would be nice to have is a generic collapsible
>>>> column
>>>> implementation - where clicking on a link or control reduces the column
>>>> to a
>>>> small icon. Clicking on the icon expands the column back. This could be
>>>> used
>>>> for vertical menus.
>>>> Maybe it is time to consider a column widget - where functionality can
>>>> be
>>>> built in and configured with attributes.
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> Bruno Busco wrote:
>>>>> I was looking for a way to implement a splitter that would allow the
>>>>> user to adjust the width of the left column in multicolumn screens
>>>>> (i.e. in the catalog application).
>>>>> In OFBiz there are already several js library.
>>>>> Is somebody aware of a simple method to do this?
>>>>> I have briefly looked into the myportal.js and seems that primitives
>>>>> like Draggable and Droppable are already there.
>>>>> My idea was that when the user starts dragging a vertical separation
>>>>> bar between the left-column and the main-content (the splitter) the
>>>>> widths are updated and then, when the user drops them a
>>>>> ajaxSetUserPreference is performed to store the left-column width so
>>>>> that it is mantained whenever the screen gets updated.
>>>>> Any help?
>>>>> Sascha? ;-)
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> -Bruno

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