From: "Ean Schuessler" <>
Hans Bakker wrote:
as i outlined in the document itself, using the OFBiz content component
has several big advantages. see:

In my opinion the wiki has a different function more in the direction of
open discussion and could be the bases for the ofbiz documentation
included inside the system.

We do not really have a roadmap, we do as much as possible in the time
we have although there is the intention to move established
documentation away from the wiki.

I think managing process documentation is one of the most important
features that OFBiz can provide. This is especially true if we can make
the editing process easy and provide access controls that reflect the
user's role in the business. Since our users need this functionality I
think it makes perfect sense to use our own documentation as a testbed.

That said, the current CMS has severe limitations that will make
contribution difficult. I also have questions about the use of DocBook
for making contributions. I understand the value of DocBook but I also
think it might be easier to get there using a conversion process (ie.
transform wiki markup into DocBook XML).

As I've said in the past, we would be happy to help with an
implementation of the WYSIWYG editing environment that we are using on
our projects. The core is checked in, the main limitation is that there
is not a really excellent WYSIWYG browser based editing environment that
is under the ASL. The closest thing is the GWT Rich Text Editor but it
lacks tables and other important mark-up tools.

In the meantime(?) this could to the trick (Free Community License)

Don't know yet if infra will agree to embed it


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