Hi devs,
I am trying to remove some OFBiz components but even removing few
specialpurpose components make the build or the data loading
I think we need to gain back the components independence in a controlled way.
Even reviewing commits is not so easy to detect that a change
introduce a wrong dependence and then, when you try to separate things
its a complete mess.

What about to start a process that will take us to have a set of
different OFBiz configurations to be all built on BuildBot to be sure
that no wrong dependence has been introduced?

The first thing to do would be to agree to a dependence tree we want to rispect.
Then we could define one or more partial OFBiz configuration that
should work according to the approved dependence tree.
Then we could setup BuildBot to automatically build them for us.

Whet do you think about?

Thank you,

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