How could we define new ant targets to deploy partial OFBiz configurations?

I mean, an OFBiz configuration I would like to build and get working
is the one with the following applications:

- application/commonext
- application/content
- application/party
- application/securityext
- specialpurpose/myportal
- specialpurpose/ofbizwebsite

Does make sense to define a new ant target that removes all other
directories and then build what remains?
This new ant target could be executed in the BuildBot also.


2009/12/30 Bruno Busco <>:
> Hi devs,
> I am trying to remove some OFBiz components but even removing few
> specialpurpose components make the build or the data loading
> impossible.
> I think we need to gain back the components independence in a controlled way.
> Even reviewing commits is not so easy to detect that a change
> introduce a wrong dependence and then, when you try to separate things
> its a complete mess.
> What about to start a process that will take us to have a set of
> different OFBiz configurations to be all built on BuildBot to be sure
> that no wrong dependence has been introduced?
> The first thing to do would be to agree to a dependence tree we want to 
> rispect.
> Then we could define one or more partial OFBiz configuration that
> should work according to the approved dependence tree.
> Then we could setup BuildBot to automatically build them for us.
> Whet do you think about?
> Thank you,
> -Bruno

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