Hi Adam,
thank you for the hint but I need some other (basic) information.
How should I use the debian package?
What is intended for?

I see a .pl script. Can I use it to get a partial (framework-only)
deploy directory from a checked out OFBiz working directory ?

Sorry for this basic questions.


2009/12/31 Adam Heath <doo...@brainfood.com>:
> Bruno Busco wrote:
>> How could we define new ant targets to deploy partial OFBiz configurations?
>> I mean, an OFBiz configuration I would like to build and get working
>> is the one with the following applications:
>> - application/commonext
>> - application/content
>> - application/party
>> - application/securityext
>> - specialpurpose/myportal
>> - specialpurpose/ofbizwebsite
>> Does make sense to define a new ant target that removes all other
>> directories and then build what remains?
>> This new ant target could be executed in the BuildBot also.
> For reference, the debian packages have a
> -framework/-applications/-specialpurpose split.  I'd like to be able
> to split each application and specialpurpose component into it's own
> package, tho, and use dependencies/etc to bring them all back
> together.  However, the components still aren't 100% separated yet.

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