On 6/01/2010, at 10:19 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

build...@apache.org wrote:
The Buildbot has detected a new failure of ofbiz-trunk on ASF Buildbot.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL: http://ci.apache.org/

Buildslave for this Build: isis_ubuntu

Build Reason:
Build Source Stamp: [branch ofbiz/trunk] 895940
Blamelist: jonesde

Scott has said in the past that the buildbot doesn't run on every
checkin.  This means that multiple commits might be tested.  Would it
be possible to have failure messages list all of the revisions that
are being covered, based on the last successful commit?

This is what happens, for example take a look at the build after the one above which covered a few commits: http://ci.apache.org/builders/ofbiz-trunk/builds/2246

Additionally, it'd be nice if once a failure is detected, it'd either
do an auto binary disection, to find the commit that actually failed
in the list of covered revisions, or it could just try them all.

For instance, if 891234 is good, and then 892765 fails.  892765 would
get recorded as a state change, putting ofbiz into fail mode.  It
would then try 891562, 891840, 892496, and 892599, reporting that it
tried these other revisions, and noticed the error first occurred at
892496, then ofbiz would stay in fail mode, and the buildbot would
keep quiet until it detects that ofbiz has been fixed.

I have no idea if buildbot is capable of this but you're more than welcome to investigate it and request changes from infra. In general though I think it's usually fairly obvious what the cause of a problem is based on a quick look at the stdio from the failed build task. I don't think it's a huge ask for each committer on the blamelist to take a minute or two to figure out if it's their problem or not.

Or, if that is too complicated, at least list all the covered
revisions, and the user that committed each revision.

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