Scott Gray wrote:
> On 6/01/2010, at 10:50 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>> On 6/01/2010, at 10:19 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>>> Additionally, it'd be nice if once a failure is detected, it'd either
>>>> do an auto binary disection, to find the commit that actually failed
>>>> in the list of covered revisions, or it could just try them all.
>>>> For instance, if 891234 is good, and then 892765 fails.  892765 would
>>>> get recorded as a state change, putting ofbiz into fail mode.  It
>>>> would then try 891562, 891840, 892496, and 892599, reporting that it
>>>> tried these other revisions, and noticed the error first occurred at
>>>> 892496, then ofbiz would stay in fail mode, and the buildbot would
>>>> keep quiet until it detects that ofbiz has been fixed.
>>> I have no idea if buildbot is capable of this but you're more than
>>> welcome to investigate it and request changes from infra.
>> Standard open-source response, kinda expected it.  It'd still be nice
>> if the request was forwarded on, if it wasn't too much of a hassle.
>> If it is, I respect that, and I'll just add it to my infinite todo
>> list squared.
> The idea is to ask infra to do no more than is necessary (they're unpaid
> volunteers), so at the very least we (you) should find out if buildbot
> is capable of doing what you desire.
> As below human time isn't free and I'd prefer it if people deal with
> infra directly if the change is important enough to them.
>>> In general though I think it's usually fairly obvious what the cause of
>>> a problem is based on a quick look at the stdio from the failed build
>>> task.  I don't think it's a huge ask for each committer on the blamelist
>>> to take a minute or two to figure out if it's their problem or not.
>> Computer time is free, human time is not.  Computers are continually
>> getting faster, while humans get slower.
> I don't disagree that knowing exactly what revision caused the failure
> would be useful, it's just that I don't think it's useful enough for me
> to spend any time worrying about :-)
>> Have you had a chance to play with git bisect yet?  It makes me feel
>> squishy in my happy place.
> Not yet, I don't usually bother tracking down an offending commit unless
> I'm particularly interested in what the hell they were thinking or if I
> need to discuss the whys and hows.
> I'm mostly still using git as I was using svn except for heavy use of
> stash, branch and reset.

I had to learn it quick.  We were attempting to manage a website, on
multiple internal machines, a staging server, a customer-hosted
production server, and a customer-hosted development server.  The size
of the website was originally 22G, but grew during development to
40G(it had lots and lots of videos).

Originally it was all managed in svn, but multi-server development
sucks.  We then moved to mercurial.  However, mercurial is buggy with
large systems, because it has a built-in limit due to its use of
python-strings internally.  In essence, a changeset can't be larger
than 2G.  If you don't update the site for a couple of days, it could
be entirely possible that the whole set of changes would be more than
2G, and it would just stop working.  Not to mention when files get
renamed, that mercurial would end up storing multiple copies of the
same blob of bytes(svn is better in that regard).

We finally settled on git.  During this time, we really only used it
like svn, but committing locally, then made use of it as an advanced
rsync deployment system.  The switch to git for this large website
happened last March.

Since then, I've become ecstatic with git.  It's not been a completely
new workflow; I've used svk ages ago(but not really that much, just
kinda like an offline commit), and mercurial 1.5 years ago.


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