Please don't apologize for chiming in - we need everyone to participate in the discussion.

Maybe you could create a list of suggestions and the rest of the community can work on implementing them.


Ryan Foster wrote:
I think that is kind of the point Adrian.  Many screens are fragile because they have been hacked together 
with <br> tags, inline styles, etc, not in spite of that fact.  We should remove these everywhere 
they are found and replace them with proper markup that is more stable and more flexible.  You can just as 
easily clear the floated element with the element underneath or use any number CSS solutions that will make 
the element clear itself without any additional empty tags.  In the Bizznesstime Theme, this is already 
built in.  If you want an element to clear itself, just give it a clear name of "clearfix".  At 
the very least, we should replace the <br> tag with a <div> tag.  At least then we are using 
better markup.  Line breaks should be used in text, as they are intended, not for layout.

Sorry for the soapbox, but as the lone wolf front-end developer on this list 
sometimes, I feel like I need to speak up when there is something I feel 
strongly about.

Ryan Foster
HotWax Media

On Jan 12, 2010, at 11:28 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I disagree. The stuff we have doesn't work just fine. Try removing the clearing 
element and see what happens. The multi-column layout you're working on looks 
great, but now everything else is broken.

Our existing multi-column layout is extremely fragile and easily broken. That's 
why I suggested the column widgets. It's a bigger issue than dragging columns 
or changing sizes.


--- On Tue, 1/12/10, David E Jones <> wrote:

From: David E Jones <>
Subject: Re: Screen Widget screenlet and the hard coded br class="clear"
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 10:20 PM

The point isn't to accommodate multi-column layouts, we
already have basic stuff for that which works just fine. I'm
not talking about anything like dragging columns or
configuring sizes or anything like that. It's an interesting
idea, but a different one.

The question I have is do we really want this <br
class="clear"/> tag always inserted when you use the
screen widget screenlet element?

Right now there is a bit of a "hack" in place to cause this
tag to do nothing, and that is by wrapping the screenlet in
a container with a style of "no-clear".

So, the point is that is seems like in most cases this
clear isn't needed and we can avoid the no-clear hack by
having something explicit when it is needed.


On Jan 13, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

We had a discussion about accommodating multi-column
layouts. Search the dev list for Subject = "Discussion:
Column Widgets (was: How to add a splitter to adjust the
left column width by dragging it?"

--- On Tue, 1/12/10, David E Jones <>
From: David E Jones <>
Subject: Screen Widget screenlet and the hard
coded br class="clear"
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 10:07 PM

I am looking into an issue with formatting using
CSS-based multiple column layout and with
screenlets in each

The problem is that in the
htmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl file
there is a hard-coded clear on line 148:

<br class="clear" />

With most browsers these clears are no
they clear ALL floats. This means that it messes
up the
multi-column formatting.

Would anyone be too disappointed if we removed
this, and if
you need a clear below your screenlet then just
use a
container element after the screenlet element in
your screen

Also, does anyone know the reason this was put
there in the
first place?

Can anyone think of any issues removing this might

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