On Feb 8, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> David E Jones wrote:
>> That is true. The closest thing we've done in the ASF is a test release 
>> during incubation, which was one of the requirements to "graduate".
>> Very early in the life of OFBiz there were a few "official" releases, but 
>> that practice didn't last long.
> Do we regard the lack of a more vetted build to be a feature?

On Feb 8, 2010, at 4:56 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> David E Jones wrote:
>> Who is "we"?
> The people who care whether the primary download from the site works
> reliably for new users... I suppose.

I added in the rest of the thread, since even I forgot what exactly we were 
talking about.

We're talking about thoroughly vetted/tested official binary releases, right?

AFAIK the size of "we" in this case is zero people. I guess the evidence of 
this is that it hasn't been done yet (some of us may care, just not 

The process for doing so would be to do something for testing on a release 
branch, and then vote on a certain release branch revision as being ready for 
official release, and then we can go through the ASF release and binary 
distribution process to get it out there.

To get that started we just need someone, or better yet a few people, to start 
working on the vetting part, probably for the release09.04 branch. Once that 
group reports that it is ready for prime time, then we can do a vote (giving 
people enough time to do some of there own testing, etc), and on we go!


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