Adrian Crum wrote:
> Plus, some of the technical work being done in the framework is intended
> to make it easier for end-user-oriented contributors to write code.
> The conversion framework is a perfect example: I just wanted to be able
> to pass a TimeDuration instance around the framework, but couldn't
> because of limitations in the framework. Once the conversion framework
> is completely integrated, all developers will be able to pass
> user-defined Java types around the framework easily.

And, of course, the webslinger stuff I have started to commit won't
nescessarily be used until the final step.  This means there will be a
window where ofbiz has to maintain the code, with no apparent use case
for it.

However, what is good, is that Adrian's conversion framework was a
more advanced version of a library that webslinger already had, and I
was able to convert over to it with relative ease.

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