Christopher Snow wrote:
> Hi Adam, do you know of any tools available that meet these requirements?

Um, I may be going out on a limb here, but ant?

> Adam Heath wrote:
>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> Hi Adam,
>>> What would be your preferred tool for managing the builds if we made
>>> ofbiz more modular?
>> Must be stand-alone.  Can't depend on anything from the network.
>> Network resources may not be available in all cases.  Plus, network
>> resources can become stale, and go away, even if the network is
>> available.
>> Can't require system libraries.  Can make use of system libraries, but
>> needs to be able to be completely embedded, if necessary.
>> This is to reduce the requirement of installing a bunch of extra stuff
>> outside of the project being manipulated.
>> Having a build definition file, that is then used to generate the
>> actual build script(s), which are then cached, is frowned upon.
>> Such systems are notorious for not updating the generated files when
>> the generating parts have been updated.  This is even more of a
>> problem when only some dependent parts are updated, and you get
>> mismatched generated parts, that then have funky weird issues.
>> Those are my main three points that I would like to see addressed in
>> any kind of build automation framework.

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