Thank you All for your suggestions.

what you describes is the closest to what I had in mind to build.
Is there any way to share the code?

In any case I think I will submit the code I will write for this since it
seems an enough general feature.


2010/3/18 Ruth Hoffman <>

> Hi Bruno:
> Here's what I do:
> I wrote my own UI and use the existing contact list services to create and
> manage multiple mailing lists (these are contact lists) including adding and
> removing users. In addition I wrote some of my own services to handle the
> initiation of a mailing to the contact list. Once you have the contact
> list(s) set up, it's pretty easy to associate a mailing with them. I'm
> getting ready to create a few services to mail reports to me (and certain
> list recipients) automatically. I don't think that would be much different
> than your requirement to mail to a contact list based on some triggering
> event.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Bruno,
>> Like you I think that OOTB a contact list seems appropriate
>> ESME could be used also, maybe in conjunction with contact list
>> There is also the mechanism Hand used to show a message in the header. But
>> I'm not sure it can be used for brodcasting?
>> You could also use Classifications to group people
>> Jacques
>> From: "Bruno Busco" <>
>>> Hi,
>>> I am going to implement a notification mechanism and I would like to konw
>>> what is the best way to do it in OFBiz.
>>> What I need is a way to select for each one of several "events" that can
>>> happen in the system, a set of users that will receive a notification of
>>> the
>>> event.
>>> An event could be an error condition detected in a service or simply a
>>> service execution itself.
>>> I would like to have a screen where the admin could add users to the
>>> groups
>>> so that they will be notified of the events.
>>> How to implement this in OFBiz?
>>> Is it already a feature like this?
>>> I was thinking to use the contact list for this.
>>> There is already a way to send a communication to a contact list so the
>>> event should create a communication to the related contact list and the
>>> admin could include in the contact list all users he want to notify of
>>> that
>>> particular event.
>>> If this is the right solution I would like to have the contact list moved
>>> from the marketing component to the framework.
>>> Does this make sense ?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Bruno

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