Michael Xu (xudong) wrote:
> hi Adam,
> Thanks for your work. Cache layer is critical for ofbiz as ERP system.
> Just one quick question: There are a lot of cache frameworks (Personally I
> like Apache JCS very much) out there. Why ofbiz has to have its own
> implement?
> In my opinion, we have two ways to reduce bugs. Write more test codes, or
> write less product codes. Maybe we can replace ofbiz components with some
> existing components (say cache) or separate ofbiz components as sub projects
> or just totally new project to attract more projects to use (say, entity
> engine).

I've looked at ehcache, and have plans to convert to that eventually.
 First, however, is to get our code functionting correctly, with no
bugs, and with good test cases on the existing interface(UtilCache),
then the implementation underneath can be switch, while keeping the
same set of test cases.

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