Adam Heath wrote:
> Robert Morley wrote:
>> Somewhat related, when we implemented our multi-tenant support we found
>> a number of places where the "default" delegator was hardcoded or
>> assumed. When we had differences in the entity models for our deployment
>> delegator vs. tenant delegators these issues surfaced.
> I fixed a bunch of those recently.  The factory methods that create
> values and keys would attempt to initialize the object with

Bother, that got sent way before I was done.

Anyways, ...

I fixed a bunch of those recently.  The factory methods that create
values and keys would attempt to initialize the object with data.
However, during the create calls, the delegator hadn't been set yet.
so, when the model was queried, it would try to fetch the value's
delegator, which wasn't set.  It would then try to look up the
delegator by name.  Since once hadn't been set yet, it fell back on

Look at revision 921989.

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