Adam Heath wrote:
Adrian Crum wrote:
Anil Patel wrote:
I was thinking, Why not other way round.
As I understand, we will not be able to use execution content features
in other parts of Ofbiz in time for 10.4 release. If this is the case
then additional code in release branch may add some new issues but
will not add any benefits. Right?
Have you even looked at the design document or the code?

Hmm, why do you have to be so difficult?  Couldn't you have just
answered the question?  Or included a reference to the design
document?  You know more about this branch than others, so why not
share that knowledge?

I wasn't being difficult. Anil is saying the security redesign won't add any benefits. That tells me he hasn't read the design document.

I'm a little stunned by all the push back. A year ago there was a lot of enthusiasm for this. Now it seems I'm the only person interested in seeing it included in the project.


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