Scott Gray wrote:
On 6/04/2010, at 4:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Scott Gray wrote:
On 6/04/2010, at 3:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
Anil Patel wrote:
I was thinking, Why not other way round. As I understand, we will not be able to use execution content features in other parts of Ofbiz in time for 10.4 release. If this is the case then additional code in release branch may add some new issues but will not add any benefits. Right?
Have you even looked at the design document or the code?
I haven't, as long as there were two branches I've been staying well clear of 
So IMO we should wait till 10.04 release branch is created and merge executioncontext20091231 with trunk after 10.04 release branch is created.
Okay, let's wait and then we will add the new issues to the 11.x release. Oops, 
we better not do that - let's hold off until 12.x...

Do you see where this is going? We already have Webslinger in the project - a 
feature that isn't finished and isn't used. Has that caused problems in 9.04?
I agree with Anil's sentiment, I just never got around to writing the email.
What I am for at this point:
- Anything that makes the user's life easier
What I am against:
- Any major changes to existing functionality that may just result in a whole 
lot of problems for early adopters and a whole lot of backporting
I'm still not entirely clear on what you're trying to achieve by pushing 
non-functional code into the trunk prior to branching.
The security redesign works, it's just disabled. It's disabled because there 
are security holes in the existing code, and the new security design plugs 
those holes - making parts of the project unreachable.

Why not do it now? What set of circumstances would make it acceptable to merge?

The design has been discussed for nearly a year, the design document has been 
up for almost as long, and the branch has been around since last August. There 
has been plenty of time for code review and discussion.

Here's part of your original message:
The implementation of the new security design is not finished, but it will be 
disabled - so everything will still work the same.

The circumstances that would make it acceptable to me for merging would be a 
statement like this:
"The implementation of the new security design is finished"

How does David feel about your implementation?  Has the problem of two 
competing designs been resolved?

There never was two competing designs. We had competing branches - both implemented the same design. On the contrary, we collaborated on the design - go look at the design document.


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