On 6/04/2010, at 4:48 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Scott Gray wrote:
>> On 6/04/2010, at 4:23 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> On 6/04/2010, at 4:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/04/2010, at 3:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>> Anil Patel wrote:
>>>>>>>> I was thinking, Why not other way round. As I understand, we will not 
>>>>>>>> be able to use execution content features in other parts of Ofbiz in 
>>>>>>>> time for 10.4 release. If this is the case then additional code in 
>>>>>>>> release branch may add some new issues but will not add any benefits. 
>>>>>>>> Right? 
>>>>>>> Have you even looked at the design document or the code?
>>>>>> I haven't, as long as there were two branches I've been staying well 
>>>>>> clear of them.
>>>>>>>> So IMO we should wait till 10.04 release branch is created and merge 
>>>>>>>> executioncontext20091231 with trunk after 10.04 release branch is 
>>>>>>>> created. 
>>>>>>> Okay, let's wait and then we will add the new issues to the 11.x 
>>>>>>> release. Oops, we better not do that - let's hold off until 12.x...
>>>>>>> Do you see where this is going? We already have Webslinger in the 
>>>>>>> project - a feature that isn't finished and isn't used. Has that caused 
>>>>>>> problems in 9.04?
>>>>>> I agree with Anil's sentiment, I just never got around to writing the 
>>>>>> email.
>>>>>> What I am for at this point:
>>>>>> - Anything that makes the user's life easier
>>>>>> What I am against:
>>>>>> - Any major changes to existing functionality that may just result in a 
>>>>>> whole lot of problems for early adopters and a whole lot of backporting
>>>>>> I'm still not entirely clear on what you're trying to achieve by pushing 
>>>>>> non-functional code into the trunk prior to branching.
>>>>> The security redesign works, it's just disabled. It's disabled because 
>>>>> there are security holes in the existing code, and the new security 
>>>>> design plugs those holes - making parts of the project unreachable.
>>>>> Why not do it now? What set of circumstances would make it acceptable to 
>>>>> merge?
>>>>> The design has been discussed for nearly a year, the design document has 
>>>>> been up for almost as long, and the branch has been around since last 
>>>>> August. There has been plenty of time for code review and discussion.
>>>> Here's part of your original message:
>>>>> The implementation of the new security design is not finished, but it 
>>>>> will be disabled - so everything will still work the same.
>>>> The circumstances that would make it acceptable to me for merging would be 
>>>> a statement like this:
>>>> "The implementation of the new security design is finished"
>>>> How does David feel about your implementation?  Has the problem of two 
>>>> competing designs been resolved?
>>> There never was two competing designs. We had competing branches - both 
>>> implemented the same design. On the contrary, we collaborated on the design 
>>> - go look at the design document.
>> Okay fair enough, I guess David's branch should be deleted then?
> Don't ask ME to do that! ;-) Actually, that branch still contains valuable 
> information on his plans to eliminate the circular-dependency issue. I plan 
> on tackling that issue next, so it would help if I could refer to it.

I was just trying to bring the situation to a head :-)  I don't care if it 
stays or goes.

>> I'm happy to trust your judgement but my advice is that if there is any 
>> chance that these changes could cause problems then I really think it should 
>> be merged straight after the release branch is created and not before.
> You don't have to trust my judgment - go see for yourself. I just synced the 
> branch with the trunk - try to make it do something wrong.

Well I could do that, but then I'd have to stop what I'm doing.  I fly back to 
NZ on Saturday so my time is short at the moment.

I would certainly like to look at it at some point but I still don't understand 
the need to get an unfinished implementation into the release branch.


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