For Tiobe indice, seems better to 
follow Open source projects...
Anyway all this is very rough


from.: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
Hi Ruth,

I'm sorry to say that I agree with Jeroen. I'd never have made a proposition 
like yours: for me is clearly and should
remain a community name.

It's not directed against you, because I believe in your faith in OFBiz. But who knows what will happen with your effort? It's hard to trust people, even when you have a good feeling, but it's even harder to trust organizations. Look for instance at what happened
recently to Java now owned by Oracle (and BTW according to Tiobe recenlty lost 
its 1st place as a language, MySql may 
also suffer for the same reason, and we know the IT
history is cluttered of such cases.

Also I was already dissapointed by the Opentaps experience. Even if Si has been almost clear about his intentions (not sure at which
point though) see "How to make money from open source" at

My 2 cts


From: "Ruth Hoffman" <>
Hi Jeroen:
If this was a directed to me, then:

1) My enterprise is not a money making, "commercial" concern. My mission has 
always been to provide high quality affordable
learning resources to the community at large. My view of the "community" is 
anyone looking for OFBiz materials, not just project
committers. The only way I can possible afford to do that is charge a nominal 
fee for some of these books. And, believe me, I'm
not making any money on this endeavor. As I've said before, it is a labor of 

2) Want to donate money to help the cause? Buy some of my books. You will help 
pay for the server and hosting, quality content
creation tools, professional editors, SME's time in reviewing materials...and I 
could go on.

Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"

Jeroen van der Wal wrote:
I don't like to see to be used for commercial purposes. If
the subscription cost is a problem I'm willing to make a donation in
order to keep the domain within the community.

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