Hi all,

As a user of Ofbiz i would like the domain stay in control of the OfBiz project or ASF like it is (a redirect to http://ofbiz.apache.org/ ),
Best regards,

Le 4/15/10 2:27 PM, Ruth Hoffman a écrit :
Hi Jeroen:
If this was a directed to me, then:

1) My enterprise is not a money making, "commercial" concern. My mission has always been to provide high quality affordable learning resources to the community at large. My view of the "community" is anyone looking for OFBiz materials, not just project committers. The only way I can possible afford to do that is charge a nominal fee for some of these books. And, believe me, I'm not making any money on this endeavor. As I've said before, it is a labor of love.

2) Want to donate money to help the cause? Buy some of my books. You will help pay for the server and hosting, quality content creation tools, professional editors, SME's time in reviewing materials...and I could go on.

Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

Jeroen van der Wal wrote:
I don't like to see ofbiz.org to be used for commercial purposes. If
the subscription cost is a problem I'm willing to make a donation in
order to keep the domain within the community.

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