David E Jones wrote:
> For that call the sorting is done in the database (not cached), so there's 
> probably a difference in databases or database configs.

Not entirely accurate.  The first match on a condition/entity is
cached, as it is returned from the database.  If a later call is only
different on the ordering, then the system just reorders in memory
from the previously cached query.

> On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:49 AM, Divesh Dutta wrote:
>> Hello Developers,
>> I see an strange issue on Release 9.04. But that issue does not exists on 
>> latest OFBiz trunk. Below is brief description  of  issue:
>> 1) When I use  any of the method (like findList or findByAnd) of 
>> DelegatorImpl.java class , and sort it by "sequenceNum", For eg in 
>> EditProductFeatures.groovy: (Release 9.04)
>>   context.productFeatureAndAppls = 
>> delegator.findList('ProductFeatureAndAppl',
>>       EntityCondition.makeCondition([productId : productId]), null,
>>       ['sequenceNum', 'productFeatureApplTypeId', 'productFeatureTypeId', 
>> 'description'], null, false);
>> It returns me the list of values, with *Not-Null values at the top* , and 
>> then it sort in Ascending order by "sequenceNum", ......
>> 2) But When I use Latest trunk in OFBiz: Using same example, It returns me 
>> the list sorted by "sequenceNum", .... in ascending order and then *Not-null 
>> values at the bottom
>> *3) I think this is the major bug in Release 9.04, because if we think at 
>> application level, if a catagory has over 800 products, Catalog Manager will 
>> have to go to the last page, to sequence every single product for it to show 
>> properly on the front end.
>> 4) Instead if Catalog Manager want to sequence the products,  he will  
>> arrange them at very first page.
>> 5) I tried to found the reason of this major difference, but could not 
>> locate the exact fix in any of the commit. So I request all the developers, 
>> if any one have any idea regarding this please share your views here. Also I 
>> think this should be fixed in Release 9.04 as well.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Divesh Dutta.

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