I am sure you know why but would you enlighten us as to why this is necessary.
Does it break using ofbiz with external tomcat?

Adam Heath sent the following on 6/25/2010 11:20 AM:

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
Linkedin <http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro>

I've got a change to ofbiz startup to make loading of the webapps run
in parallel.  Unfortunately, it's been taking me longer than I'd like
to get working completely.

Catalina itself is single-threaded when loading the webapps attached
to a particular host.  That fix required me initializing the Context
classes myself before adding to the host.  Unfortunately, that had 2
concurrency bugs in catalina, that I had to hack around.  One was yet
another synchronization.  The other was corruption when catalina tried
to use a global static map to old intermediate data while parsing the
web.xml files.

However, once I got all those fixed, ofbiz itself stopped the
parallelization.  The startup code called by ControlServlet and
ContextFilter end up calling into synchronized ofbiz blocks, which
effectively stops things from running in parallel.  My fix there is to
remove the synchronized blocks, and switch to more concurrent type algos.

The latest problem with that, is that FastMap was used to hold the
list of components found.  When things are inserted into a FastMap,
iteration over the values maintains the order that they were added in.
  Switching to ConcurrentHashMap, or ConcurrentLinkedHashMap, gives
things back in an effectively random order.  My plan here is to add
'dependencies' to the component definitions.  Then, if no dependencies
are specified for a particular ofbiz-component.xml, it'll default to
depending on all currently loaded components.  I already have a
dependency resolver written, to put the components in the proper
order.  This will also allow us to start encoding real dependency
settings into ofbiz.

I should have this all ready to go by sunday evening.

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