On 12/07/2010, at 11:33 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> --- On Sun, 7/11/10, Scott Gray <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com> wrote:
>> On 12/07/2010, at 4:04 AM, Adrian
>> Crum wrote:
>>> The factory will try to find a repository via JNDI,
>>> and if that fails, use Java's SPI to find a
>>> javax.jcr.Repository instance (which would return the
>>> Jackrabbit implementation OOTB).
>> I think it needs to be more explicit than that, what if for
>> some reason your external repository isn't
>> registered/available in jndi?  OFBiz would start up the
>> embedded instance and pretend like nothing was wrong.
> Good point. Then we might need a configuration xml file that contains 
> something like the datasource element in entityengine.xml.
>> My idea originally was to use the container to start up the
>> embedded instance and register it in jndi.  Then you
>> have a separate class that retrieves a repository from jndi
>> regardless of whether it is embedded or not.
> That's a good idea. I can work on that next.

Cool thanks man, it's all yours until the weekend, I won't have time to look at 
the branch again until then.


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