David E Jones wrote:
> There are other reasons why you might not want to cache something. Quite a 
> few of them, even without trying to be too creative.
> For example: memory use. Why cache things like contact mech or order 
> information that isn't likely to be read a very many times, but if cached 
> would take up memory until expired and cleared (and would only be cleared if 
> something is cleaning up expired entries) or until it makes it to the end of 
> the LRU queue or whatever, and the whole time requiring additional resources 
> to keep track of and making more legitimate caching less efficient.
> Another example: freshness. If you want to be sure the data is good, get it 
> from the db. If it won't cause big problems to have stale data, then the 
> cache is okay.
> Am I the only one who things caching everything by default (as Marc 
> suggested) or popping out warning messages (as Adam suggests here) is a 
> little crazy? I haven't seen anyone else speak up, so just wondering...

I've got a change queued that has deprecated getRelatedOne(as
suggested earlier).  While doing that, I also decided to go thru and
fix all the remaining findByPrimaryKey, replacing with findOne.
During that change, I noticed several FooWorker/FooHelper, that should
really be using caching variants.

A read-only fetch should be cached.  A read-only web request should
never hit the database.  If it's a question of memory, and a
particular install is throwing away cache entries too quickly, then
that install needs more memory.

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