I agree with David. An example is the advice he gave me during the development 
of temporal expressions.

I wanted to cache the temporal expression Java structures in memory. David 
suggested getting the persisted expressions from the entity cache instead. 
Thinking about it, that made sense - temporal expressions should not change 
frequently so they are good candidates for entity caching.

Entity data that changes frequently should not be cached - because caching it 
leads to concurrency issues.


--- On Sun, 12/5/10, David E Jones <d...@me.com> wrote:
> There are other reasons why you might not want to cache
> something. Quite a few of them, even without trying to be
> too creative.
> For example: memory use. Why cache things like contact mech
> or order information that isn't likely to be read a very
> many times, but if cached would take up memory until expired
> and cleared (and would only be cleared if something is
> cleaning up expired entries) or until it makes it to the end
> of the LRU queue or whatever, and the whole time requiring
> additional resources to keep track of and making more
> legitimate caching less efficient.
> Another example: freshness. If you want to be sure the data
> is good, get it from the db. If it won't cause big problems
> to have stale data, then the cache is okay.
> Am I the only one who things caching everything by default
> (as Marc suggested) or popping out warning messages (as Adam
> suggests here) is a little crazy? I haven't seen anyone else
> speak up, so just wondering...
> -David
> On Dec 5, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
> > I've noticed several places in the code that issue a
> findOne(or other
> > find method), without using a cache, but then don't do
> any
> > modifications to the returned value.  Such call
> sites should really
> > use a caching variant of the delegator.
> > 
> > What I'd like to work on, is a feature, only used
> during development,
> > that would record any value looked up that wasn't
> cached, and wasn't
> > later modified, and print a warning, with an
> exception, to allow for a
> > caching variant to be added.  Would others find
> this useful?
> > 
> > Obviously, it would need to be transaction based, and
> would sometimes
> > have false-positives.  Additionally, if no
> transaction is active, then
> > that automatically means a caching variant should be
> used.


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