Yesterday I gave a look to the demo visits and found that Google is hitting
the server about every 30 seconds.
So it is possible that any URL (includind Webtools->Artifact Info) is hitten
almost frequently.


2010/12/10 Jacques Le Roux <>

> From: "BJ Freeman" <>
>> Thanks for you view on my motives.
>> From what Jacques states the server has max hardware resources.
>> so what resources are you referring to?
>> I since I have a similar server running more than what Jacques has stated,
>> and it runs, I am at a loss on how to work on the ofbiz demo.
>> I have been focused as much as I am allowed on this for almost a year.
>> considering posting five urls at the same time should not effect a server,
>> I don't see that as testing the limits of the server.
> Which URLs? It really depends on them... Artifact Info, Entity Maintenance,
> Label Manager, etc. are good culprits... This does not mean that we can't
> use Entity Maintenance on the demo server, nor even Artifact Info. But it
> depends on the number of people which are using them at the same time. And
> when it's down, it's down: you will have to wait a good soul (not sleeping,
> like me in some mins) to reload the demo instance... Webtools are not all
> days tools for a production server... I will suggest to use rather such
> tools locally... Does it make sense?
> Thanks
> Jacques
>> Scott Gray sent the following on 12/9/2010 1:47 PM:
>>> Everybody works on the areas of the system that are important to them, I
>>> suggest you do the same.
>>> The demo server is under-resourced so of course you're going to be able
>>> to bring it down if you try to, my suggestion is that you don't try to.
>>> Regards
>>> Scott
>>> HotWax Media
>>> On 10/12/2010, at 10:32 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>  there is a thread on the user ML about the demo being slow.
>>>> I would think that would be a high priority for all those that commit
>>>> and make changes to ofbiz.
>>>> after all what good is all this stuff if it can't be used.
>>>> I brought down the demo trunk by accessing with seperate requests at one
>>>> time, as I stated on the user ml.
>>>> lets focus on real problems.

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