
Thank you for your comments! I thought we might have a problem setting up best practices for terminology - since the terms used will vary depending on the language.

I am not sure how to proceed. If we continue in English, then the best practices will be English-centric. Maybe have a section for each language? The text of the term isn't as important as using it consistently.


On 1/10/2011 9:54 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Adrian Crum" <adrian.c...@yahoo.com>
I updated the UI Best Practices Wiki page with the information from
our last discussion about Create versus Add versus New. We
ended up with +1 for Create, +2 for New, and +2 for Create New. I used
the one common to all - Create New. Keep in mind this isn't
set in stone - we can still change it.

This sounds good to me, though for a purist in French it would be a
pleonasm ;o)

See the Terminology section:


In this discussion, I would like for us to come up with a best
practice for Edit/Update terminology. If the user is modifying
existing data, what is the correct term to use in the UI? Edit?
Modify? Update? Edit Existing? Update Existing? Or something else?

Modify, but I'm certainly biased by my mother tongue

While we are on that subject, what is the correct term to be used in
the form's submit button? Save or Update?

Save (but Update would be as good for me, only that in French it's
"Mettre à jour" vs "Enregistrer" - "Sauvegarder" being too

Sorry, not sure my comments are hepful at all :/


Keep in mind there are no right or wrong answers, we are just trying
to make the UI consistent.


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