I would use "Edit" and "Save".

Thank you for your effort on improving consistency.


2011/1/10 Jacques Le Roux <>

> Adrian,
> I think we should focus on English, there already enough possible conflicts
> ;o)
> Jacques
> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>  Jacques,
>> Thank you for your comments! I thought we might have a problem setting up
>> best practices for terminology - since the terms used will vary depending on
>> the language.
>> I am not sure how to proceed. If we continue in English, then the best
>> practices will be English-centric. Maybe have a section for each language?
>> The text of the term isn't as important as using it consistently.
>> -Adrian
>> On 1/10/2011 9:54 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>>> I updated the UI Best Practices Wiki page with the information from
>>>> our last discussion about Create versus Add versus New. We
>>>> ended up with +1 for Create, +2 for New, and +2 for Create New. I used
>>>> the one common to all - Create New. Keep in mind this isn't
>>>> set in stone - we can still change it.
>>> This sounds good to me, though for a purist in French it would be a
>>> pleonasm ;o)
>>>  See the Terminology section:
>>>> In this discussion, I would like for us to come up with a best
>>>> practice for Edit/Update terminology. If the user is modifying
>>>> existing data, what is the correct term to use in the UI? Edit?
>>>> Modify? Update? Edit Existing? Update Existing? Or something else?
>>> Modify, but I'm certainly biased by my mother tongue
>>>  While we are on that subject, what is the correct term to be used in
>>>> the form's submit button? Save or Update?
>>> Save (but Update would be as good for me, only that in French it's
>>> "Mettre à jour" vs "Enregistrer" - "Sauvegarder" being too
>>> specific)
>>> Sorry, not sure my comments are hepful at all :/
>>> Jacques
>>>  Keep in mind there are no right or wrong answers, we are just trying
>>>> to make the UI consistent.
>>>> -Adrian

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