From: "Adrian Crum" <>
--- On Sun, 1/16/11, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:
BTW, what I'd suggest at this stage is to warn the user
that it will miss a lot of things if javascript is disabled
(even if OFBiz
should be still barely usable - not checked, no

So, OFBiz was barely usable before the JavaScript enhancements were added? ;-)


You could try with R4.0 without js. I have the feeling that at this moment there were less js dependent features. For the calendar it was already true, same for the quick access in Product main page and the lookups (which were much much slower when alive), there were no field groups but the collapsible stuff was working w/out js...

We have a concurrency out there we can't neglict. They also rely/use js, I will be curious to know if they have developed clean degradable UIs. Is this really worth it for a backend, I don't think so... For a front end that's another story...


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