On 07/13/2011 03:17 PM, David E Jones wrote:

There was actually a discussion about this on this mailing list.

The consensus seemed to be in favour of what Ganath proposed.
> I though that was unfortunate because have non-source
> directories under an src directory is an annoying practice
> IMO, and I HATE to see that going into the project. I voiced
> that concern but no one else seemed to think it was a big deal.

I agree with David. I could possibly see a src/java src/c src/python layout, but that is as far as I'm willing to go.

But anyways, ofbiz already *does* split out */test/* stuff into a separate jar, which is the whole point of the src/ splitting that was proposed. And I did it without having to change the way anyone did ofbiz source development. Which is the better thing.

And my suggestions about adding the correct 'spline' stuff to any loader, is the correct approach as well. Esp. considering that most loaders already *do* have spline type support.

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