New thread for only JCR funstion

Summary of initial discussion:

 N) framework/jcr: move back into the Jackrabbit branch until the work is completed and 
can replace the existing "content framework"

>> Also moving the JCR function out is not a good idea however when not improved in the next few months using the content manager, i would agree to a removal.

 Keep it mind we are preparing for the creation of the new release branch 
(12.04): this would mean that all the future releases for 12.04 will be bundled 
with an incomplete JCR/Jackrabbit integration that duplicates (but not 
replaces) the existing Component framework. This is alone a good reason for 
moving this work back to the development branch and will save a lot of future 
work in backporting features if security issues or bugs will be discovered.

IMO, jcr will be a good enhancement in ofbiz, but currently we(the company I'm 
working for) are using content component in a lot of place, product, 
workeffort, project, party, custRequest, ....  to manage files, so we area 
waiting the next step of the jcr OFBiz (content) integration.
Meanwhile this second step, if jcr  was a plugin, we will use it for some new 
customer project (and maybe contribute on ;-) but not use it for older customer 
which currently works with OFBiz solution to avoid using not completely 
implement feature.
So IMO, jcr should move, branch or extra, but I prefer as a plugin to be able 
to used it easily.

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