For the user (or developers) who not understand that pattern, I think it will not more clear.
But, on a Data Model perspective I prefer only one entity than multiple.
With one entity, it will be possible to have only one entity for EntitySubTypeAttr and EntityAttr and so having a generic User interface (user configurable portlet) which will be usable.

In the EntitySubtype, I will add the field hasTable, to generalize the same concept as Party with Person and PartyGroup, only the fields uses by all type in Party and specifics Field in dedicated entity.
Example : It will be necessary to have same things for WorkEffort

So, +1 for your idea as a first step ;-)


Le 01/10/2012 08:14, Adrian Crum a écrit :
I mentioned this once before as part of another discussion, but I'm creating a new discussion so it can receive the attention it deserves.

The Data Model Resource Book describes entity subtypes. OFBiz implements entity subtypes by adding a field to the supertype that points to a *Type entity that contains valid subtypes.

The problem is users (and some developers) do not understand that pattern, and they add invalid subtypes to the *Type entity. That can cause things to break. As an example, I have a client who created additional ProductTypes (that actually represented product categories) and used those added ProductTypes for their products. Then they were puzzled why their order fulfillment process stopped working.

I think what we need is an EntitySubtype entity to store the subtype data. Instead of multiple *Type entities, we would have a single EntitySubtype entity, and the supertypes will point to it. The supertype field could be called something like entitySubtypeId. The EntitySubtype entity will be clearly documented as to its purpose and proper use.


What do you think?


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