From: "David E Jones" <>
If any single entity were to be used for types instead of one per type, why not 
Enumeration? And yes, that is what I did with the
Mantle data model.

When I first played with OFBiz that's what I wondered about, why not all in 
Enumeration? Maybe simplistic, there are always pro and
cons, 2 sides of a coins, etc. (I don't know for you guys, but I often find 
myself in this situation)

The simpler the better, if you (application developer) have less choices to do you can 
focus on your "real" problems (your clients's
problems). That's what I still appreciate in OFBiz, even if it's not the case 
for types indeed. Changing them now seems a bit too
complicated, I agree.


Still, I agree with Jacopo... It is not worth the change repercussions for 
OFBiz. What you described is a problem with lack of
research and/or experience, and I don't think what you described would be any 
more helpful.


On Oct 6, 2012, at 10:19, Adrian Crum <> 

So your opinion has changed...


On 10/5/2012 10:23 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

in my opinion it would be better to leave the data model as is, but improve the 
descriptions of the types (and documentation, in
the form of comments to xml data) and also enhnce our utils to deal with types 
(the Product already has something in place).



On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:14 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I mentioned this once before as part of another discussion, but I'm creating a 
new discussion so it can receive the attention
it deserves.

The Data Model Resource Book describes entity subtypes. OFBiz implements entity 
subtypes by adding a field to the supertype
that points to a *Type entity that contains valid subtypes.

The problem is users (and some developers) do not understand that pattern, and 
they add invalid subtypes to the *Type entity.
That can cause things to break. As an example, I have a client who created 
additional ProductTypes (that actually represented
product categories) and used those added ProductTypes for their products. Then 
they were puzzled why their order fulfillment
process stopped working.

I think what we need is an EntitySubtype entity to store the subtype data. 
Instead of multiple *Type entities, we would have a
single EntitySubtype entity, and the supertypes will point to it. The supertype 
field could be called something like
entitySubtypeId. The EntitySubtype entity will be clearly documented as to its 
purpose and proper use.


What do you think?


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