On 1/10/2012, at 7:14 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I mentioned this once before as part of another discussion, but I'm creating 
> a new discussion so it can receive the attention it deserves.
> The Data Model Resource Book describes entity subtypes. OFBiz implements 
> entity subtypes by adding a field to the supertype that points to a *Type 
> entity that contains valid subtypes.
> The problem is users (and some developers) do not understand that pattern, 
> and they add invalid subtypes to the *Type entity. That can cause things to 
> break. As an example, I have a client who created additional ProductTypes 
> (that actually represented product categories) and used those added 
> ProductTypes for their products. Then they were puzzled why their order 
> fulfillment process stopped working.

To be honest I don't think this is a good reason to change anything.  A basic 
and fundamental misunderstanding of the data model isn't a reason to drive 
change in anything except perhaps better documentation.

*Type entities also provide some flexibility by allowing additional fields to 
be used to describe common behavior of various types such as ProductType's 
isDigital and isPhysical, personally this is a feature of the design that I'd 
like to see put into greater use.  An example of that might be having a 
defaultDataResourceTypeId or defaultMimeTypeId on ProductContentType so that 
the most appropriate form for the given ProductContentType can be displayed, 
currently that sort of thing is hardcoded into a groovy script if I recall 

Perhaps in the future strong use of those fields could lay a better foundation 
for allowing user's to create their own types simply by indicating the desired 


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