Hi every one,

At Nereide, we were using selenium four our functional test for two years at lest but Selenium staff was integrated as a maven sub project which is not very simple
to use and does not meet our needs and expectations.

Two month ago, I started using the patch proposed by Erwan (thank you Erwan) attached to this
JIRA and I'm very satisfied of results for many reason :

-Test can be executed on our continuous integration platform (Jenkins) in a simple way.
-We have the choice to use suites to run.
-Integration with external test platform provider like Sauce-lab is very easy;

Of course, I have made some change to allow :
-running single suite;
-get Jenkins environment variables (job name build number and pass theme
to sauce lab so that test result are easily identified).

Here an example of ofbiz functional test executed on sauce lab :

1- Without a function test framework, we were unable to guarantee some quality for user experience and our application so stability. In my point of view selenium integration is almost a must. 2- I don't see Selenium as an alternative of Junit framework but as a complementary tool.

Thanks again.

On 15/11/2012 17:46, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
using localhost is the way it should be. Like you are running unit tests on
your local instance, you are running functional tests on your local
This patch is only adding a new testing type which is not existing today.
It's why it is designed to be part of OFBiz as a new functionality and not
an external component.
In this case, a complete component would have been designed, and would not
be so coupled with OFBiz.


2012/11/15 Jacopo Cappellato <jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>

Thank you Erwan, but the information below doesn't help me to change my
point of view: the fact that the contribution was made to be part of the
trunk and that we already have Junit tests integrated doesn't necessarily
imply that we have to add this new one.
What do other think about this topic?


On Nov 15, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

I don't think this should be seen as an external component. The new
implementation is made to be part of OFBiz, like the junit tests we have.
The main issue for selenium integration was the license, there was some
components not consistent with the ASL2. I used ivy to download the jars
only if needed.

Thanks for the review, I will look at the points you listed.


2012/11/15 Jacopo Cappellato <jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>

Isn't it a good candidate for an external component (i.e. not bundled in
OFBiz and maintained by the OFBiz community)? I think we have already
discussed this topic some time ago and we concluded that
I also cursorily reviewed the patch and I have seen a series of issues
(e.g. hardcoded components name in framework code, hardcoded
bad formatting, misleading variable names like "component" rather than
"application" etc...).


On Nov 14, 2012, at 7:02 PM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi all,

I'm planning on committing the patch in OFBIZ-4872 which will add
testing in OFBiz this week-end.
Is that OK for everyone, or are there some issues with this ?




Youssef Khaye
Tel : 0974533612
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