Am 23.03.2013 11:35, schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
I'm also for keeping the specialpurpose/ecommerce component in releases, it's 
an important part of the OFBiz brand.
I'd also like we finalize its UI, tought I have not much time/energy to put in 
it. At least 3 Jira are waiting for ages, 2 of them are important
I also tend to say that "specialpurpose/ecommerce" should not be removed or moved.
Why I think so:
ecommerce is one of most important core examples (as some other parts like eg. examples, ofbizwebsite, myportal etc). moving around always confuses users of frameworks. Define it once and keep in the defined place (or remove it)

As OFBIz is a free software I would remove from there only google and ebay components.

BTW about our slim-down effort,
In Jira I see
 that issues are done (I'd not want to change the Examples components more)
What else?


From: "Jacopo Cappellato"<>
Based on the feedback from Deepak and Medhat: what if we include ecommerce only?
I mean: we remove from the 13.04 branch all the specialpurpose components except the 
ecommerce component; we could also include the "example" component, but that is 
probably less useful in a release. The ecommerce component has been historically always 
present in all our releases (as it has been implemented in the applications folder).


regards, Mark


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