No, the issue isn't closed. I was merely expressing an opinion. This type of thread is all about everyone sharing their ideas and opinions and when we find a consensus or general support for an idea we add it to the Wiki page. So, please don't feel like I am shutting the idea down.

I agree the eCommerce application needs work, and I agree its appearance could have an effect on adoption.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 1/4/2014 3:57 PM, Gavin Mabie wrote:
Hi Adrian

Interesting historical perspective. Quick question  .. does this mean that
the issue has been closed?  By the way, I'm not suggesting that Ofbiz be
made more Drupal/WordPress-like generally.  That would be ridiculous.  I'm
also not talking about CMS.  Rather, my idea is more focussed on the theme
development area, a functionality already existing in Ofbiz  but which does
not enjoy much attention.  The ecommerce frontend is the first impression
that most first time users get about the system and as such it represents
the whole Ofbiz brand.  I would venture to say that most first time
visitors would be inclined to abandon any further exploration based on
their first impression.  It is therefore imperative that more attention be
given to this area.



On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

I have participated in a number of discussions along this line  -
beginning with the 2007 developers conference. My perspective back then
hasn't changed - instead of trying to make OFBiz more Drupal-like or more
WordPress-like, let's leave the job of CMS to existing products and find
ways to connect those products to OFBiz.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 1/4/2014 12:28 PM, Gavin Mabie wrote:

Hi Guys

Best wishes to everybody for 2014. I would like to support the
prioritisation of theme development for 2014.  Jacques, I noticed that you
are specifically talking about backend widget
   forms.  What about ecommerce?  IMO that little attention is given to
frontend design and even less is done to accommodate design-orientated
developers.   Theme developement in Ofbiz has a long way to go if it is to
reach the levels of standardisation, ease and portability attained and
in CMS apps like Drupal, WordPress etc. and Ecommerce packages like
Magento.  Keep up the good work.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

  To be pragmatic, rather than working on new features, a new framework or
whatever, I'd like to work on "Widget & Application HTML clean-up"

I have heard much complaints about this and I'd really like to 1st
as much as possible the Freemarker templates used in backend by widget

I know already some cases where it's impossible, like the geo location.
But in most cases this should be possible and would much facilitate
designers work, when themes or such are needed.
Because we would then have a consistent HTML generation.
And in most cases even a better (consistent) UI, compare the old Price
Rules and Promotions for instance
(still available at

Because it contained a new FTL template, I recently refused to commit a
working patch for "Improve to allow purchase order ship method options"

I though must say that I still want to finish pending new features
(actually 2 new specialpurpose components)

1) I expect to merge the seo branch soon
I only see minor issues now, and anyway at some point you need to have
your feet wet...

2) And to finish the Solr integration
   I sill have to figure out how bad is the security issue. In a first
adding a credential acces to the the Solr admin should be enough. But yes
underneath is not totally secured as is...


On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 1:55 PM adrian.crum@sandglass-

Maybe we can use the start of the new year as an opportunity to consider
the future of OFBiz and update our road map:

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