On Sep 12, 2014, at 10:35 AM, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> 

> I don't understand why you are so not open to put back the error.log in 
> log4j2.xml

Because it is just one of 1 million possible ways to configure logging: it is a 
specific one on not a generic one and so it is not better than the other 1 
million possibilities; you have explained why you like it but me or others 
could find similar arguments for the other millions ways; since no one seconded 
you in your attempt to add the configuration back this confirms to me that this 
specific configuration is not better than other; for this reason it should be 
left out of the trunk.

> and qualify this as a mess and almost myself and idiot.

I didn't say this and the mail archive can demonstrate it; you have been trying 
to raise the tone of the conversation since the beginning of this thread (and 
you did the same in at least another thread recently) but I will not start to 
fight with you.


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