A very excellent discussion of the issues by Scott has prompted me to document my thoughts.


On 07/11/2014 5:24 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
I still think you're putting the cart before the horse.  I'm not sure I could 
name any specialpurpose component that has the two or three active contributors 
that I think would be necessary to sustain it.
It will become apparent when the team or person steps forward to maintain it.
If you have only one or two and they go away then what happens to any new 
comers looking to contribute?
They will have to ask the leader of the sub-project. If the sub-project community is completely unresponsive, they could propose to take over it.

Do we just make anyone who comes along a committer?
It is up to the sub-project to make that decision. Just the way Apache leaves it up to OFBiz to decide who can commit. The goal is to get these projects that have little or no current support, set up in a way that they can find their own specialized community that does not care to work on the framework.
Does the TLP PMC need to monitor a whole bunch of new mailing lists and then 
support anyone who comes along in the hope they might be able to become 
Not unless you care to stay on top of details. This is one of the benefits of sub-projects. You can reduce the flow through each list and only subscribe to stuff you really need to follow, so you are only getting stuff that you actually care about. The archives are always available if you want to look up things after the fact.

The sensible way to handle project management issues, is to set up an OFBiz project mailing list that handles announcement or project news that does not belong in the regular dev or user lists. You can refer to the Apache project management pages for specific suggestions about how Apache projects can handle this kind of activity.
If a component had no active committers how long would it be before it broke 
completely because no one kept it updated?
Same as now. Soon.
Death of a module from natural causes ( no one caring) is not a bad thing.
It just would be much easier to know when a module had died.
Currently, the OFBiz community has a hard time knowing what has died and what is still valued.

If a security vulnerability is found then who will deal with it?

Same people who deal with it now if they actually care to keep working on the sub-project. New people who actually use the module would probably be very interested in getting high priority issues fixed.
At least, you would know who "should" be fixing it.
Much better than the current state.
It would be up to the sub-project to establish its policies about support for security (back-porting, supported versions), etc.

Without active committers the PMC would need to remain familiar with the code 
in order to receive contributions and determine their suitability for 
inclusion.  Nothing would be different from now except that the component would 
be less visible to us, more easily forgotten and we'd have more infrastructure 
to deal with.
Why would the framework  committers even care?
It is up to the sub-project to sort out their own code integrity issues.
They have the detailed knowledge and the subject matter expertise and the motivation (they actually use it). If the project dies, you don't have to do anything except post a note on the sub-project web site announcing that it is no longer active and that the PMC is looking for a new team.

If anyone else from the PMC thought that this sub-project was important, they would have joined the sub-project in the first place.
At least everyone would know that the module was no longer active.

You can look only at the best case scenarios because you won't have any 
responsibility to these sub-projects.  The PMC however will still have the 
burden to do anything that the sub-project committers decide that they 
themselves no longer want to do.
Why? If the module is useless and no one cares, why would the PMC do anything besides documenting the situation on the sub-project web page. "This project is no longer maintained. The code is available 'as is'. The last release of the module is know to work with version 13.07. OFBiz would be pleased to hear of a team willing to continue working on this module."

Stop thinking about it after that until an individual or a team shows up.

   At what point will it be okay by you for us to kill it off?  What is it that 
currently gives you confidence that it won't happen very quickly?
Yes, you can kill a project that no one is willing to work on or support.
At the moment it appears that several modules would have a hard time surviving and should be killed. From the discussion in this thread it appears that some are just tests that failed.

This is better than the current case, wherein users have no idea about what is active and what is dead and the PMC has to do a survey of all users every time a decision about a dormant project has to be made.

I think Jacopo's solution is the best to keep everyone happy (including the 
vocal minority) but IMO the best approach would be to remove the components 
from OFBiz altogether, set them up on github or similar, ensure those who want 
to take ownership have the required access and then advertise the existence of 
these special purpose components from the OFBiz website.  The components are 
then free to stand or fall as they may.  Should any actually survive and 
thrive, then a subproject would seem like a good idea.  It's my opinion though 
that the vast majority of the components would go dormant and I don't think it 
makes a difference whether it's as a subproject or as an external project 
hosted elsewhere.
Removing them from Apache is a rather extreme approach that is likely to lead to additional forking of the OFBiz project. Apache has a well documented set of tools and processes for dealing with modules or applications like this and there is no real value in inventing some new process that is unlikely to be properly set up given the amount of work being done in the supported bits of OFBiz.

I don't see any point of worrying at all about modules that have no following.
We just need to be transparent about what is happening.
If they are supported, set up a sub-project that allows the interested parties to work on them with as large a community as they can attract. They would not have to get mixed in with the framework project that has a different set of concerns and requirements for committing.
They might not be committers to the framework or core ERP
If the projects are not supported, leave them as is and state clearly on the project web page that these modules are not supported. If there is a history of people working on them, using them in production and caring, it would be nice to document that, in case that someone finds them useful.

If they were tests that failed before being finished, perhaps moving them to a section of "dead test" modules in the SCM would satisfy the desire not to lose any code regardless of its uselessness as well as making it clear that these modules are not functional and users should think that the name of the module has anything to do with what it will actually do.
Mixing them in with modules that are actively maintained is not helpful.

I hope that this helps.



On 8/11/2014, at 9:21 am, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com> wrote:

Taher Alkhateeb raised some valid concerns.

My take (also as a newcomer) is that there is a high barrier to entry for 
people working on the framework and this makes it hard to get new people into 
the OFBiz project.
By creating sub-projects that have a much smaller scope and do not have any 
affect on the overall robustness of the system, we would allow new people to 
take on tasks that have a much narrower scope and are more in-line withtheir 
abilities and interests.

It will also allow OFBiz to attract subject matter experts on certain areas 
such as the BIRT language, data analysis, project management or manufacturing 
who are not attracted to the framework development tasks.

The current level of complexity forces the group to be a small band of 
dedicated people who have the detailed technical understanding of the framework 
and tools used to build and maintain it.

There is nothing to prevent framework contributors from also joining 
sub-projects where they have an interest.

It would also provide a level of transparency about what is getting supported.
If no one is active in the BIRT sub-project, at least you know that it is not 
At the moment, you have no idea about the interest in supporting BIRT.
If you need it and it is not supported, currently you do not have anyone to 
talk to except the framework mailing list.
If it had its own sub-project, you would have a leader and a list of people who 
once had an interest in it.
If no one was interested in your BIRT issue, you could always hire someone to 
work on the bits that you needed fixed.
If BIRT is completely orphaned,you could take over leadership of the BIRT 
sub-project and get it back going.

I think that the project management  and SCRUM projects could probably put 
together sub-projects.

You would have to do a bit of work to get a BIRT group growing.
However, it looks like a good candidate for a separate project since BIRT is a 
completely different programming language and a lot of the skills have to do 
with business analysis, usability and data analysis rather than Java coding.
You might find that a BIRT sub-project attracts a number of people who would 
not be interested in supporting the framework.

Sub-project will also reduce the amount of traffic on the dev list and allow  
people to focus on what they think matters to them.
They also allow other people to take on leadership roles in these areas which 
reduces the burden on the current core contributors.

Sub-projects are a key part of many Apache projects, so I believe that they 
must serve a useful purpose.
I think that this project is really in need of a way to grow the community 
without diluting the quality and I see sub-projects as a way to keep the focus 
within Apache OFBiz rather than fork the parts into outside open source 
projects which is the current direction.


On 07/11/2014 2:08 PM, Taher Alkhateeb wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I do not have a long history with the OFBiz project to understand its history, 
but from the last few years I noticed the following:

- The system is huge
- Documentation is wanting
- The community is suffering from low number of experienced developers

For example, I use and want to support the BIRT reporting component. Yet there 
are very few committed developers experienced and comfortable enough in 
maintaining it and upgrading with new releases. So, I would imagine taking it 
out as an almost sure death sentence given the already low resources.

With all due respect, talking about sub-projects and plans and resources and commit 
access and all of that stuff does not make sense when you barely have enough experienced 
people maintaining the code. I see only a few names over and over who are doing the 
"real" heavy work.

So for my 2 cents, I still strongly encourage the initial suggestion by Jacopo. 
I think other suggestions would probably kill any less heavily maintained 

Taher Alkhateeb

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ron Wheeler" <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Friday, 7 November, 2014 9:29:05 PM
Subject: Re: How to use ProjectMgr in 13.07

I was trying to find some Apache docs about what is involved.
Separating the SCM controls so that the sub-projects can have their own
committers is an important task.
Any idea about what else is required?

In any case, it would be the people who want to support the sub-project
to do the paperwork.

There is clearly nothing to stop a fork of any part of OFBiz but there
is some advantage to keeping OZBiz in one piece.
The most important thing is that it allows the sub-project to use the
OFBiz name and Apache branding in its "marketing" material and
It also builds the pool of potential contributors and committers for the


On 07/11/2014 11:44 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
I am fine with the idea of encouraging the growth of an ecosystem of *projects* 
about OFBiz (not necessarily all within the ASF) but I disagree that they 
should be *sub-projects* of OFBiz, mostly because sub-projects just add 
complexity within the OFBiz community (with more paperwork required).


On Nov 7, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Adrian Crum <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> 

I agree with a separate community approach, for these reasons:

The special purpose components started out as little demonstrations of how 
OFBiz can be extended to role-specific applications. Since then, some of those 
components have expanded into full-featured applications - so the overhead of 
maintaining them has increased beyond what we expected initially.

Some special purpose components were included as the result of a community discussion and 
effort, but others were simply "dumped" into the repository without any 
discussion or community participation - and as a result they receive little support.

Some special purpose components were created and initially supported by 
community members who are not around any more.

As a result of all of these things, the special purpose components are not well 

 From my perspective, if anyone believes a component needs more attention and 
would like to develop it further, then they should spin it off to a separate 

So, instead of having a conversation about how the OFBiz community can better 
support the Project Manager component, maybe we should have a conversation 
about how to spin it off to a separate community.

Opentaps started off that way. Initially, it was OFBiz plus additional 
components: Financials, CRM, and Warehousing.

I think the OFBiz community would benefit if we stopped trying to be all things 
to all people, and instead focus on providing a sound and flexible data model - 
combined with robust, reliable services. Special purpose applications, and even 
presentation layer details can be left to other communities.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 11/7/2014 4:02 PM, Ron Wheeler wrote:
I may be beating a dead horse but what Jacopo is proposing and the
concern that Jacques raised about resources would seem to fit very well
into a sub-project structure.
Split these modules out of the main line into their own OFBiz
sub-projects where they could attract their own resources (committers
even) and would be responsible for delivering modules that worked with
the various OFBiz cores that exist.

Let the sub-projects worry about their own relationship to OFBiz
releases and release branches.
They might just support the released 13.07.xx version, if that is what
the sub-project's user community can support or they might maintain 2
versions 13.07 and a 14.xx. that works with a recent version of the trunk.
In any case, it would no longer be a problem for the OFBiz core
developers and they could release just the OFBiz components that are
officially part of the core.
Clearly good communication between the core project and the sub-project
about release plans would help everyone but the core group would be
basically free to release the core as they want and the sub-projects
would have to communicate to their uses communities what impact this
would have on the users of the modules.

If a sub-project needs a change to the core to implement some feature,
they would have to file an enhancement JIRA issue and convince someone
to add it (unless they are a committer on the core).
If two sub-projects had a compatibility issue, they would at least know
who to talk to get a solution.


On 07/11/2014 7:04 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
On Nov 7, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Jacques Le Roux
<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

This will no longer work for some components (scrum for instance)

I believe we could be reintroduce some specialpurpose component in
next release,
There is a difference between including them in a release branch and
including them in the releases: I would be more inclined to include
(all of them) in the release branches but exclude them from the
releases; this would simplify the work required to keep them in synch
and would also help end users to integrate them.
However the specialpurpose components should be disabled in order to
avoid the users to get a default ootb release/branch with enabled
special purpose functionalities that may override the more general
purpose ones offered by the core applications.
We should still consider the idea of providing separate products for
the specialpurpose components (and having them in the branch would
help this process).
If the idea I am proposing here (include the specialpurpose components
in the branch but not in the releases) we could re-add them (as
disabled) also to the 13.07 branch but exclude them from all the
releases (13.07.02 etc...): this will protect all the stabilization
work we did on the branch (and also from some licensing issues that
may affects some of the artifacts in some of the specialpurpose
components) .


as long as they are backed by some efforts, come to mind
project manager (Pierre Smits?)
scrum (Hans?)
examples and ext (at least me)
myportal (French people use portals, not sure for myportal?)

Other components?

IRRW Jacopo said he was not against a new discussion on this subject
(I could not find his message), what do you think?


Le 21/10/2014 09:06, gil portenseigne a écrit :
I've never used svn external property, just discovering. That sounds
usefull and i'll try it out !

Thanks for the advice !


On 20/10/2014 19:08, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I use svn external in the stable demo, already explained that in
the MLs: see

You can use the same to keep in sync, only consider projectmgr in
your case. Since there is no projectmgr in R13.07 the risk of
gettins conflicts or build issue is extremely low


Le 20/10/2014 17:28, gil portenseigne a écrit :
Hi Jacopo,

Ok then, i will have to re-synchronize new trunk devs each time
i'll feel it necessary. My fear is about incompatibility between
13.07 and trunk technologies, but that won't happen soon, or i
might backport the evolution into my local environment.

That will do the job !



On 20/10/2014 16:36, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hi Gil,

I would suggest to check it out from the trunk to the hot-deploy
folder of 13.07:

cd hot-deploy
svn co


On Oct 20, 2014, at 4:11 PM, gil portenseigne
<gil.portensei...@nereide.fr> wrote:

Hi all,

I don't want to relaunch the debate around including the
projectMgmt component into the 13.07 release, but i have a
question :

What is the best way to import the projectMgr component in my
local 13.07 checkout environment, to start using it in a real
project and to contribute on upgrading it for trunk and/or the
13.07 release ?

Trunk technical evolution might be a problem if a want to stick
to 13.07 release with projectMgmt features.

Should I use trunk instead ?




Gil Portenseigne
Consultant ERP OFBiz
Société Néréide
3b Les isles
37270 Veretz
Tel : 09 74 53 46 09, puis 1, poste 61
Mob : 06 82 740 444
<Mail Attachment.jpeg>

Gil Portenseigne
Consultant ERP OFBiz
Société Néréide
3b Les isles
37270 Veretz
Tel : 09 74 53 46 09, puis 1, poste 61
Mob : 06 82 740 444

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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