Addendum. The passport component is currently not in the special purpose
stack. It is available as a patch in a JIRA issue for evaluation.

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Pierre Smits <>

> The passport component is an optional. So is the e-commerce component and
> almost everything else is. There are some dependencies from components in
> the applications and framework stacks to specifics in the special purpose
> stack (birt, ldap - when applied and lucene?). But those are few, and we
> can live with as these few enhance the functionality of the lower level
> components and thus user experience.
> Where apps should be placed is matter of viewpoint. And we have viewpoints
> aplenty. Some regard e-commerce to be a core (framework + application
> stack) extension. In its current state it is part of a vertical to. Retail
> in particular, as it isn't a complete front-end solution for B2B (multiple
> verticals), B2G (ambiguous vertical) and marketplaces (again multiple
> verticals). If you don't do manufacturing, shouldn't  the same named
> component not be an optional and thus not in applications. If you do HRM
> but don't use the humanres component, shouldn't that component be better of
> in the special purpose stack stack without being referenced in the
> component-load.xml file.
> The special purpose stack is a good place for any application/component
> but the base registers in the applications stack. We should consider to
> make as many as possible optional in that stack, by removing its reference
> in the aforementioned component-load.xml. As it would surely reduce server
> load. And we would give adopters a choice. Not only before adopting, but
> also during the lifespan.
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> Based Manufacturing, Professional
> Services and Retail & Trade
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Gavin Mabie <> wrote:
>> Hi Jacques
>> My concern is about the proper use of the specialpurpose folder.  Birt is
>> IMO not a special purpose application, but rather a tool that can be used
>> across applications, and so is Lucene. Additionally, these are optional
>> functionalities and therefore non-core. My thinking is that if something
>> is
>> optional, non-core and not a special implementation of the framework, then
>> it should go into this folder.  So I agree that BIRT and Lucene are
>> candidates for inclusion in this folder (my knowledge of OAGIS is sketchy
>> at best).  BTW  I'm not to sure about calling it "Tools". "Plugins" is the
>> term that is widely used for this sort of thing.
>> Gavin
>> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
>>> wrote:
>> > Hi Gavin,
>> >
>> > Interesting, so you would suggest to create a new tools folder at the
>> same
>> > level of dependency than specialpurpose and to add this new passport
>> > Component to it.
>> > Then we could also move ldap. I thought about jetty also, but I will
>> > rather open a new thread for that since we decided to discuss to move
>> it to
>> > Attic
>> >
>> > Do you (everybody ;)) see other components which could me moved to this
>> > new tools folder? Maybe bi, birt, oagis, even lucene?
>> >
>> > Jacques
>> >
>> >
>> > Le 21/03/2015 08:32, Gavin Mabie a écrit :
>> >
>> >  Hi Jacques
>> >>
>> >> I know that there's been quite a bit of discussion about this and I
>> don't
>> >> want to rehash stuff that's been dealt with and agreed upon in the
>> past -
>> >> but is this really a special purpose component? It appears to be a
>> >> tool/utility. Special purpose components should really be for special
>> >> applications of the Ofbiz Framework, i.e. applying the framework in a
>> >> special user or industry way.  So for example, ecommerce is a special
>> >> purpose component - it implements ofbiz in a user specific way.  Ofiz
>> >> Healh
>> >> Care/Communications/Hospitality/Government/ etc would be industry
>> special
>> >> purpose components.
>> >>
>> >> Gavin
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Pierre Smits <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>  Might indeed be interesting for a increase in the consumer area and
>> not
>> >>> the
>> >>> back end (but with market places and that tendency might shift).
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> It seems there are some security concerns. See here:
>> >>> Yet the list of
>> providers
>> >>> is
>> >>> impressive.
>> >>> And I have look over the issue and wonder if we really need the gson
>> and
>> >>> paypal jars.
>> >>>
>> >>> Best regards,
>> >>>
>> >>> Pierre Smits
>> >>>
>> >>> *ORRTIZ.COM <>*
>> >>> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>> >>> Based Manufacturing, Professional
>> >>> Services and Retail & Trade
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 5:37 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>  Hi,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Shi Jinghai contributed a Passport Component for OAuth2 at
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> It seems to me an interesting specialpurpose component to add. I
>> will do
>> >>>> so if nobody is against.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Jacques
>> >>>>
>> >>>>

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